
Coordinator |
Istituto Nazionale Riposo Cura Anziani
| website: www.inrca.it
| country: IT
| website: www.ab-acus.com
| country: IT
Centre Hospitalier Universitarie Vaudois
| website: www.chuv.ch
| country: CH
École Polytechnique
Fédérale de Lausanne
| website: www.epfl.ch
| country: CH
Stichting Imec-Nl
| website: www.holstcentre.com
| country: NL
| website: www.mishan.co.il
| country: IL
Step of Mind
| website: www.stepofmind.com
| country: IL
Geriatric Center Kosice
| website: www.gckosice.sk
| country: SK

Technical University of Kosice
| website: www.tuke.sk
| country: SK
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di
Bologna - Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems
| website: www.unibo.it
| country: IT
University of Strathclyde
| website: www.strath.ac.uk
| country: UK