31st December 2010 | The SMILING project is accomplished
The SMILING project officially ended on 31st December 2010. However several activities are still running and under planning.
Keep tuned and we will update you on the SMILING future .....
15th November 2010 | SMILING trials accomplished in Slovakia!
The validation trials of the SMILING project are successfully accomplished in all the four foreseen validation sites.
Final data processing is running ....
14th October 2010 | SMILING workshop at ICABB 2010 Venice

Ab.Acus organised a workshop at the first International Conference on Applied Bionics and Biomechanics - ICABB 2010 that took place
in Venice from 14th to 16th october 2010.
All the SMILING technical partners, STRATH,TUKE,IMEC,UNIBO and EPFL participated to the event.
The six devoted presentations described the SMILING system in detail and a live demo completed the workshop.
27th-29th September 2010 | SMILING system is demonstrated at ICT2010 Bruxelles

The SMILING project was invited to participate the ICT2010 event.
Within the SMILING stand, the system was demonstrated two times a day. A high number of visitors confirmed the interest for the project and the system.
Several contacts took place, paving the way to future cooperations.
16th August 2010 | SMILING validation starts in Slovakia!
After the summer break, the SMILING validation started at Geriatric Center in Kosice, last SMILING test site.
15 July 2010 | SMILING trials accomplished in Switzerland!
The SMILING validation was completed in Lausanne, Switzerland. The participation was very good and there was no drop out among the participants.
15 June 2010 | SMILING trials accomplished in Israel!
The experimentation in Israel has been completed.
8th-11th June 2010 | EPMT exhibition
EPFL was invited to present the SMILING system and, mainly its gait analysis module at the
Environment Professionel and MicroTechnologies exhibition in Lausanne.
2nd-4th June 2010 | AVANTE fair
E. d'Amico and M. Bulgheroni from Ab.Acus participate to the AVANTE fair that took place in Barcelona on 2nd-4th June 2010.
The SMILING project was presented within the area of the fair dedicated to Innovation and RTD.
The fair was dedicated to personal independence and quality of life.
A big interest was shown by visitors, mainly by elderly people.
31 May 2010 | SMILING trials accomplished in Italy!
The experimentation in Italy ended showing a high participation by the involved elderly subjects. Results are under processing.
24th May 2010 | 17th ESPRM Congress
A workshop devoted to the SMILING project presentation was held in Venice on 24th May 2010, during the 17th Congress of the European Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
The workshop was chaired by F. Marcellini from INRCA and S. Bar-Haim from SOM. D. Carus from the Strathclyde University, C. Bula from the CHUV and M. Bulgheroni from Ab.Acus offered a complete picture of the system concept and working.
19th-21st May 2010 | Swiss Internal Medicine and Swiss Geriatrics societies annual meeting
The SMILING concept was presented at the Swiss Internal Medicine and Swiss Geriatrics societies annual meeting that took place in Basel, Switzerland.
1st May 2010 | SMILING validation starts in Switzerland!
On the beginning of May the SMILING validation started also at CHUV, Lausanne.
16 April 2010 | The SMILING system is presented to the press and the general public
On the 16th April, the SMILING system was officially demonstrated to stakeholders, media and press.
A workshop involving all the SMILING partners took place at INRCA premises in Ancona. A live demo was performed.
1st March 2010 | SMILING validation starts!
On the first week of March the SMILING validation with groups of elderly persons started both in Israel and Italy.
26th-28th February 2010 | The 3rd International Congress on Gait and Mental Function
The SMILING system was presented at the 3rd International Congress on Gait and Mental Function that took place at Washington DC, USA.
The presentation approached the acceptability of the SMILING system.
22nd-24th February 2010 | SMILING training course
Representatives from all the SMILING clinical centers from Italy, Slovakia, Switzerland and Israel took part at the first training course on the complete SMILING system to be prepared for the next clinical trials.
The event took place at the premises of the University of Bologna.
3rd-5th February 2010 | FUTURAGE workshop
The SMILING consortium was invited at the "Environments of Ageing Work Stream" workshop by the FUTURAGE EC funded project
19th February 2010 | Middle East Stepping Forward (MESF)
The SMILING system was presented at the Middle East Stepping Forward (MESF) at Marrakesh, Morocco.
15th-16th January 2010 | The 13th MOBEX Meeting
The presentation "3D Foot Kinematics in Elderly Persons using Wearable Sensors" introduced the SMILING system at the 13th MOBEX (Mobility and Exercise in the Elderly) Meeting that took place in Trondheim, Norway.
6th January 2010 | Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Tel Aviv, Israel
The seminar "Movement Variability and the Use of Nonlinear Tools: Principles to Guide Rehabilitation" introduced the SMILING system concept for rehabilitation.
12th December 2009 | SMILING shoes leave for Tel Aviv!
The first pair of SMILING shoes is ready to undergo preliminary trials with elderly persons.
7th December 2009 | WESH 2009 - ArtistDesign Workshop on Embedded Systems in Healthcare 2009
The SMILING system was introduced at the WESH workshop at Eindhoven in the Netherlands.
6th-7th November 2009 | SMILING first
clinical meeting
The first SMILING clinical meeting took place in Lausanne on 6th-7th November 2009.
The complete SMILING system was demonstrated to the clinical partners and the validation plan was tuned.
4th-5th November 2009 | OASIS First International Conference
The SMILING consortium was invited at the OASIS First International Conference organised by the EC funded OASIS project.
2nd-4th November 2009 | TAT 2009, Cambridge, USA
The SMILING system was presented at TAT 2009, the Second IASTED
International Conference on Telehealth and Assistive Technology, that took place in Cambridge, USA, on the 2nd-4th November 2009
22nd October 2009 | IMEC e-News October 2009
The IMEC e-News publishes an article describing the SMILING system.
10th October 2009 | Conference "Una nuova sicurezza per gli anziani"
The SMILING system was presented at the Conference "Una nuova sicurezza per gli anziani" , A new Safety for Elderly that took place in Recanati, Italy on the 10th October.
7th October 2009 | EPFL Seminar
The SMILING system was described in the "Foot Movements Analysis for Rehabilitation of Frail Walkers at the EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland.
21st-22nd September 2009 | SMILING fifth
integration meeting
The fifth integration meeting took place in Bologna on 21st-22nd September 2009.
A complete pair of SMILING shoes was integrated in a working system, ready for advanced functional testing.
9th-12th September 2009 | 10th Congress of the European Federation for Research in Rehabilitation, Riga
The SMILING concept was introduced at the 10th Congress of the European Federation for Research in Rehabilitation,
in Riga, Latvia.
5th-8th September 2009 | Motor Control Conference, Varna
The SMILING concept was presented at the Motor Control Conference ,
in Varna, Bulgaria, on 6th September 2009.
31st August-2nd September 2009 | AAATE 2009, Florence
The AAATE 2009 Congress, (Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe)
took place in Florence, Italy. The SMILING project idea was presented.
27th-29th July 2009 | SMILING fourth
integration meeting
The fourth integration meeting took place in Bologna on 27th-29th July.
The meeting was aimed at solving any communication issues between the shoe controller (MCU),
the S-Sense modules and the User Control Unit (UCU).
5th-9th July 2009 | 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris
The 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics,
Longevity, Health and Wealth took place in Paris, France, on 5-9 July 2009. The SMILING project concept was introduced.
24th-26th June 2009 | pHealth 2009, Oslo
The 6th International Workshop on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for
personalised Health took place in Oslo, Norway, on 24-26 June 2009.
The S-Sense wireless modules were presented and demonstrated.
21st-25th June 2009 | ISPGR 2009, Bologna
The 19th International conference of the ISPGR
(International Society for Posture and Gait Research) took place in Bologna from the 21st to the 25th June 2009.
Three oral presentations and two posters presented different aspects of the SMILING system.
4th June 2009 | SMILING second
interim review
The second technical review of the SMILING project took place in
Brussels, at EC premises, on 4th June 2009.
The prototype of the SMILING shoe was demonstrated to the reviewers.
Next validation phase was presented and discussed.
25th-26th May 2009 | SMILING third integration meeting
The technical partners of the SMILING consortium met in Bologna to approach the setup of training programs.
The SMILING User Control Unit was integrated with the shoe electronics and the early training programs were delivered.
6th-8th May 2009 | SMILING second integration meeting
The technical partners of the SMILING consortium met in Bologna to approach integration of mechanics and electronics.
The SMILING shoe mechanics and its control electronics were assembled in a single prototype.
3rd-4th-5th April 2009 | Terza Età Expo (Trade fair of Ancona)
The Terza Età Expo is an important Italian trade fair devoted to
gerontology and gerontechnology.
SMILING project was illustrated to the attendees and a presentation
leaflet was distributed to the audience.
9th-12th February 2009 | SMILING first integration meeting
The technical partners of the SMILING consortium met in Bologna to start integration of the development results.
The main issues of system integration (SMILING controllers, S-Sense modules, User Control Unit, Operator Control Unit) were approached.
8th-9th January 2009 | SMILING third
consortium meeting
The third technical meeting of the SMILING project took place on the
8th and 9th January 2009 in Lausanne at the Ecole Polytechnique
premises. The meeting was aimed at the check of the progress of the
development activities and at the design of the SMILING training
programs. A live demonstration of the ongoing development of the gait
analysis module was also included.
Main focus was on the mechanical issues, being the manufacturing of the
SMILING shoe the kernel of the project.
The next steps foresee the setup of a complete prototype of the shoe
including mechanics, on board electronics, sensors for gait analysis
and wireless transmission unit in next Spring.
As a social activity, the participants visited the exhibition "Au fils du temps.
Le jeu de l'age." set up by the Claude Verden Foundation.
The event is completely devoted to elderly age themes.
23rd September 2008 | SMILING first
interim review
The first technical review of the SMILING project took place in
Brussels, at EC premises, on 23rd September 2008.
The project was judged successful by the reviewers.
The review allowed a fruitful exchange of ideas and the useful
suggestions from the reviewers will be implemented in the next phases
of the project.
15th - 19th September 2008 |XXVII
Scuola Annuale di Bioingegneria
XXVII Scuola Annuale di Bioingegneria held in Bressanone, Italy,
from the 15th to the 19th September 2008.
Central theme of the School was "Wearable Systems for Human Health".
Lorenzo Chiari introduced SMILING project to the School
1st-2nd September 2008 | SMILING
second technical meeting
The second technical meeting of the SMILING project took place on the
1st and 2nd September 2008 in Kosice at the Technical University of
Kosice. The meeting was aimed at monitoring the roadmap for WP3
Main focus was on the "SMILING shoe" design and development looking
both at the relevant electronic and mechanical issues.
Also, the design of the User Control Unit (UCU) and the Operator
Unit (OCU), completing the SMILING system, was approached.
SMILING partners left Kosice with a strict project planning to allow
meaningful steps forward before the end of the year.
8th - 9th July 2008 | YBERC 2008
The third biomedical
engineering conference of Young Biomedical Engineers and Researchers
took place in Ostrava, Czech Republic on 8th and 9th of July. Prof.
Dusan Simsik and other representatives from the Technical University of
Kosice presented the basic SMILING concept.
27th June 2008 | Mobility for All –
The Use of Ambient
Intelligence in Addressing the Mobility Needs of People with
Impairments: The Case of ASK-IT
The second International
conference of ASK-IT marked the
end of this EU research funded project. It took place in
Nuremberg on 26th and 27th June 2008. The conference welcomed
high level speakers
and experts from around the world looking at various issues, such as
content accessible, accessible tools and Ambient Intelligence, and
state-of-the-art information on accessibility initiatives in Europe and
beyond. The SMILING project coordinator, Fiorella Marcellini (INRCA),
invited to present the main issues of the project.
5th June 2008 | International
conference of the
International society of Gerontechnology – Smart technology for an
active longevity
ISG08 conference took
place in Pisa from 4th to 6th June 2008. The
conference involved all the people interested in activities on
gerontechnology (robotics researchers, architects, biomedical
neuroscientists, biologists, experts in political science and economics,
and scientists
from many other communities) who presented results and discussed about
future research lines. Fiorella Marcellini (INRCA)
presented the objectives and the development of SMILING project.
15th-16th May 2008 | SMILING second
consortium meeting
The second plenary consortium meeting of the SMILING project held on
15th and 16th May 2008 in Bologna at the Engineering Faculty of the
University of Bologna premises. The meeting was aimed at the completion
of WP2, Algorithms, requirements and specifications and the discussion
of the measures to be adopted after the technical meeting held in
Glasgow with a preminent company in the microelectronics field. A
clinical parallel session was focused on inclusion/exclusion criteria
and structure of the questionnaires to
be administrated to the potential users.
16th April 2008 | SMILING - CONFIDENCE
clustering meeting
A meeting with the representatives of the CONFIDENCE
project took place in Bologna on 16th April 2008. The aim of the
meeting was
to share common targets and to identify possible co-operation
areas. Fiorella Marcellini (INRCA) and Maria Bulgheroni (Ab.Acus)
represent the SMILING consortium.
27th March 2008 | SMILING first
technical meeting
The SMILING consortium held a technical
meeting on 27th March 2008 at the Regione Marche premises in Bruxelles.
The meeting was focused on WP2, "Algorithms, requirements and
specifications" and WP3 "Smiling PRO development", status and progress.
11th March 2008 | SMILING press release
The SMILING project press release has
been published on the Europa
25th January 2008 | SMILING kick-off
The SMILING consortium held its kick-off
meeting on 25th January 2008 at the INRCA premises, Villa Gusso,
The event brought together some thirty participants from the six
countries partners involved in the project.
After the welcome address from INRCA General Manager Dr. Antonio Aprile
and Scientific Director Fabrizia Lattanzio, the Project Coordinator,
Dr. Fiorella Marcellini, gave the opening address, introducing the
project partners and their role in the consortium. The respective WP
leader chaired the discussion on each WP. The research topics where
then wrap-up in the light of avoiding overlapping and with the
objective of overall coherence.