Project Description
AGREE – Arm exoskeleton and Grip assistance for REhabilitation and indipEndent living

AGREE is an innovative project issued by ARCA on behalf of Lumbardy Region under the pre-commercial procurement (PCP) scheme.
The goal of the project is the development of a device for the rehabilitation and the daily assistance of the upper limb motion to empower the person with motor disabilities in daily living activities performance.
AGREE is aimed to facilitate upper limb’s motion, including reaching and grasping tasks, within different use scenarios: rehabilitation in the post-acute phase, rehabilitation in the chronic phase, home assistance.
It is originated by previous research in MUNDUS and RETRAINER projects, already involving Ab.Acus together with Politecnico di Milano, and expertise in upper limb assistive projects of Politecnico.
It is run by a team of high tech health-care companies and three departments of the Politecnico di Milano.