Ab.Acus’ support against COVID-19 becomes stronger with TOM: a smartphone based system for remote monitoring of COVID-19 early symptoms.

In these days of sanitary emergency general practitioners and clinicians in general need smart tools to support them both in the critical decision whether to admit their patients to emergency care, and in monitoring frail people, living in isolation, to prevent development of other pathologies related to the stressful situation.
TOM (Tracking platform for Outbreak Management) is a smartphone-based system, pursuing long-term monitoring of lifestyle and physiological parameters, to counteract the consequences of isolation, and allowing for remote first-level testing of COVID-19 related symptoms to identify cases in need of hospitalisation, limiting the overload of healthcare structures as well as risks of infection for general practitioners.
The platform aims to transform the smartphone into a personal point-of-care taking advantage of the embedded technologies and advanced signal and video processing algorithms for vital parameters extraction. TOM wants to provide an easily scalable and low cost monitoring tool that can allow large-scale and remote screening campaigns ensuring equal access to healthcare delivery despite of possible geographical barriers.

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This project has indirectly received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under project INNO4COV-19 (grant agreement No 101016203) (http://www.inno4cov19.eu/)